Our Management Approach
In reference to the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Standards, Ayala Land uses the Disclosures on Management Approach, or DMAs, to provide information on how we manage and respond to our material economic, environmental and social impacts, as identified through our materiality process.
For more information on our sustainability policies,
Aug 5, 2022
For the second consecutive year, Ayala Land, Inc. (ALI) surpassed its P100 billion capital…
Economic Performance <GRI 201>
We shall maintain our standing and reputation as the Philippines’ largest property developer. We develop large-scale, integrated, masterplanned mixed-use estates in growth centers as platforms for our end-to-end real estate products – ranging from residential, retail and office developments, as well as hotels and island resorts, to construction and property management services. Our long-term growth is built on this market-leading platform and our five-pillar strategy of growth, margin improvement, capital efficiency, and brand building. To further expand our footprint, we assess regional and urban development trends and we identify locations that provide good growth prospects and are sustainable for mixed-use estates.
Market Presence <GRI 202>
We will continue to launch products attuned to market demand, and aspire to achieve a healthy mix between horizontal and vertical developments. Expansion into new growth centers provides us with opportunities for creative and sustainable solutions that distinguish our real estate products. Our projects help stimulate the local economies, contribute to local employment, and improve public infrastructure where we establish our presence.
Indirect Economic Impacts <GRI 203>
As we manage our businesses, we continue to identify issues and topics reflecting the economic, environmental, and social impacts that are of interest to our stakeholders. We see ourselves as a strong partner in nation-building and we are aware that our projects have a significant impact in the areas where we operate. Our strategic presence through our various developments across the country helps create opportunities for employment and productivity.
Procurement Practices <GRI 204>
To promote open competition and to provide equal opportunity to all our vendors, regardless of the geographical locations where our vendors are based, we encourage them to participate in all biddings to fulfill the requirements of our projects. We accredit suppliers upon full compliance with our standards and requirements, with preference for suppliers that practice environmental responsibility, consistent with the parameters established under our “greening the supply chain” campaign. In 2018, we started rolling out our Sustainability campaign to raise awareness on Sustainability and influence our vendors to adopt our sustainable practices or create their own initiatives.
To ensure that business partners, suppliers, and service providers maintain the highest standards of quality and business integrity with its dealing with ALI, acknowledgment of our Vendor Code of Ethics is set as one of the accreditation requirements. The Internal Audit Division conducts vendor audits in accordance with the provisions of the Vendor’s Code of Ethics.
Anti-Corruption <GRI 205>
Our company has been defined by our continued commitment and fidelity to our values and to doing things the right way. Our strict adherence to these high standards have been the bedrock upon which we have built our reputation. We have established the policies and implemented best practices covering all entities and employees within ALI Group regarding anti-corruption. These include the following:
- Code of Ethical Behavior for all employees;
- Code of Ethical Procurement Conduct;
- Vendor’s Code of Ethics;
- Conflict of Interest Policy;
- Whistleblowing Policy;
- Establishment of ALI Business Integrity or Reporting Channels through: https://proactivehotline.grantthorntonsolutions.ph/report/aligroup/;
- Establishment of the ALI Ethics Committee; and the
- Implementation of the Vendor Audit.
- All told, our good corporate governance practices, which include anti-corruption initiatives, have been manifested in the positive performance of our businesses and in various corporate governance awards and recognition.
Anti-Competitive Behavior
We face considerable competition in our major business lines. As we expand our land bank and mixed-use developments, competitors similarly undertake massive expansion in all segments of the real estate industry. This is especially true for competitors that have significantly improved their capabilities and the quality of their products.
We recognize that practices that impede fair market competition affect economic efficiency and long-term industry growth. We are committed to comply with the policies of the recently instituted Philippine Competition Commission that monitors business entities for anti-competitive behavior such as collusion with potential competitors, monopolistic practices and price-fixing.
For further information on the stated policies, visit: