
Sustainability Policies

The Company’s Sustainability program is overseen by the board level Sustainability Committee, composed of at least three members as determined by the Board. The committee exercises responsibility for environmental, social, and economic topics that are material to the firm. As directed by the committee, the Strategic Land Bank Management Group’s corporate sustainability team executes relevant projects and initiatives, including the Carbon Neutrality program. The various SBUs also have their own sustainability leads who are tasked with integrating and implementing sustainability initiatives.

Ayala Land Environmental Policy

Ayala Land regards protecting the environment as integral to the pursuit of our long-term business objectives. We commit towards achieving Carbon Neutrality by 2030 and Net Zero by 2050 for the organization. We believe that the success of our growth plans depends on our ability to manage our environmental impacts and promote environmental stewardship, which we seek to implement through the following:

  1. Identification, mitigation and management of material environmental risks and concerns
  2. Development and implementation of effective environmental management systems recognized by international standards
  3. Communication and engagement with our workforce, business partners, customers and suppliers to consult on environmental issues and align environmental objectives and targets
  4. Monitoring and reporting of environmental data and targets to ensure continuous improvement of environmental performance
  5. Compliance with all national and local codes, standards, and regulation