
Subsidiaries and Affiliates

Real Estate

Real Estate
Alveo Land Corporation (Alveo) 100%
Serendra, Inc.39
Solinea, Inc. (Solinea)65
BGSouth Properties, Inc. (BGS)50
Portico Land Corp. (Portico)60
Serendra, Inc. 28
Amorsedia Development Corporation 100
OLC Development Corporation and Subsidiary 100
HLC Development Corporation 100
Allysonia International Ltd. 100
Avida Land Corporation (Avida) 100
Buklod Bahayan Realty and Development Corp. 100
Avida Sales Corp. and Subsidiaries 100
Amicassa Process Solutions, Inc. 100
Amicassa Process Solutions, Inc. 100
Avencosouth Corp. (Avencosouth) 70
BGNorth Properties, Inc. (BGN) 50
Amaia Land Co. (Amaia) 100
Amaia Southern Properties, Inc. (ASPI) 65
AyalaLand Premier, Inc. **** 100
Ayala Land International Sales, Inc. (ALISI) 100
Ayalaland International Marketing, Inc. (AIMI) 100
Ayala Land International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 100
Ayalaland International Marketing (Hong Kong) Limited (ALIM HK) 100
Ayala Land International Marketing , SRL (ALIM SRL) 100
Ayala Land International Marketing London 100
Ayala Land Sales, Inc. 100
Southportal Properties, Inc. 65
Buendia Landholdings, Inc. 100
Crans Montana Holdings, Inc. 100
Crimson Field Enterprises, Inc. 100
Ecoholdings Company, Inc. (ECI) 100
NorthBeacon Commercial Corporation NBCC) 100
Red Creek Properties, Inc. 100
Regent Time International, Limited (Regent Time) (British Virgin Islands) 100
North Eastern Commercial Corp.(formerly Asterion Technopod, Incorporated) (NECC) 100
Westview Commercial Ventures Corp. (formerly Crestview E-Office Corporation) (Westview) 100
North Ventures Commercial Corp. (formerly Fairview Prime Commercial Corp. (formerly Gisborne Property Holdings, Inc.) 100
Hillsford Property Corporation (HPC) 100
Primavera Towncentre, Inc. (PTI) 100
Summerhill E-Office Corporation (Summerhill) 100
Sunnyfield E-Office Corporation (Sunnyfield) 100
Subic Bay Town Centre, Inc. 100
Regent Wise Investments Limited (Regent Wise) (Hongkong company) 100
AyalaLand Real Estate Investments Inc. 100
AyalaLand Advisory Broadway Inc. 100
AyalaLand Development (Canada) Inc. 100
AyalaLand OpenAsia Holdings PTE, Limited 100
Blue Horizons Holdings PTE, Limited 100
Modular Construction Technology (MCT) Bhd. 66
AyalaLand Commercial REIT, Inc. (ALCRI) 100
Arvo Commercial Corporation (Arvo) 100
BellaVita Land Corporation (BellaVita) 100
Nuevo Centro, Inc. (Nuevo Centro) 55
Alviera Country Club, Inc. (Alviera)*** 50
Cavite Commercial Town Center, Inc. 100
AyalaLand Offices, Inc. (ALO) (formerly ALI Property Partners Corp. (APPCo) 100
One Dela Rosa Property Development, Inc. 100
First Gateway Real Estate Corp. 100
Glensworth Development, Inc. (Glensworth) 100
UP North Property Holdings, Inc. 100
ALO Prime Realty Corporation 100
Makati Cornerstone Leasing Corp. (MCLC) **** 100
Arca South Commercial Ventures Corp. **** 100
Capitol Central Commercial Ventures Corp. **** 100
Bay City Commercial Ventures Corp. (BCCVC) **** 100
Laguna Technopark, Inc. (LTI) 75
Ecozone Power Management, Inc. 75
Aurora Properties Incorporated (API) 80
Soltea Commercial Corp. 16
Vesta Property Holdings, Inc. 70
Altaraza Prime Realty Corporation (Altaraza) 100
Prow Holdings Inc. (Prow) 55
Station Square East Commercial Corporation (SSECC) 69
Next Urban Alliance Development Corp. 100
Accendo Commercial Corp. (Accendo) 67
Avencosouth Corp. 20
Aviana Development Corporation 7
Aviana Development Corporation 50
Cagayan de Oro Gateway Corp. (CDOGC) 70
Ceci Realty, Inc. (Ceci) 60
Soltea Commercial Corp. 12
Soltea Commercial Corp. 60
CMPI Holdings, Inc. 60
CMPI Land, Inc. 36
ALI-CII Development Corporation (ALI-CII) 50
Roxas Land Corporation (RLC) 50
Adauge Commercial Corporation (Adauge) 60
AyalaLand Estates, Inc.(formerly Southgateway Development Corp. (SDC) 100
Ayalaland MetroNorth, Inc. (AMNI) 100
Verde Golf Development Corporation 100
North Triangle Depot Commercial Corporation (NTDCC) 73
BGWest Properties, Inc. (BGW) 50
Lagdigan Land Corporation 60
Central Block Developers, Inc (CBDI) 35
Cebu Holdings, Inc. (CHI) 72
Cebu Property Ventures Development Corp (CPVDC) and Subsidiaries 63
Subsidiaries -
Cebu Leisure Company, Inc. 72
CBP Theatre Management Inc. 72
Taft Punta Engaño Property Inc. (TPEPI) 40
Cebu Insular Hotel Company, Inc. (CIHCI) 27
Solinea, Inc. 25
Amaia Southern Properties, Inc. (ASPI) 25
Southportal Properties, Inc. 25
Central Block Developers, Inc. (CBDI)** 41
Alabang Commercial Corporation (ACC) 50
South Innovative Theater Management (SITMI) 50
ALI Commercial Center Inc. 100
Prime Orion Philippines Inc. (POPI) 66
FLT Prime Insurance Corp. 43
Orion Solutions, Inc 66
Orion I Holdings Philippines, Inc. 66
OE Holdings, Inc. 66
Orion Land Inc. 66
Ayalaland Malls Synergies, Inc. 100
Ayala Land Malls, Inc. (formerly Solerte, Inc.) 100
AyalaLand Malls Vismin, Inc. 100
AyalaLand Malls NorthEast, Inc. 100


Makati Development Corporation (MDC) 100
MDC – Subic, Inc. 100
MDC – Build Plus, Inc.100
MDC Conqrete, Inc. (MCI)100
MDC Equipment Solutions, Inc. (MESI)100
MDBI Construction Corp. (formerly MDC Triangle)(MBDI) ****67

Hotels and Resorts

Hotels and Resorts
Ayala Hotels, Inc. (AHI) 50
AyalaLand Hotels and Resorts Corporation (AHRC) and Subsidiaries 100
ALI Makati Hotel & Residences, Inc. (AMRH) (formerly KHI-ALI Manila, Inc.) 80
ALI Makati Hotel Property, Inc. (formerly KHI Manila Property, Inc.) 80
Regent Horizons Conservation Company, Inc. and SubsidiaryAsian Conservation Company Limited and Subsidiary 100
Enjay Hotels, Inc. (Enjay) 100
Greenhaven Property Venture, Inc. (GPVI) 100
Cebu Insular Hotel Company, Inc. (CIHCI) 63
Bonifacio Hotel Ventures, Inc. 100
Southcrest Hotel Ventures, Inc. 67
Northgate Hotel Ventures, Inc. 70
North Triangle Hotel Ventures, Inc. 100
Ecosouth Hotel Ventures, Inc. 100
Sentera Hotel Ventures Inc. 100
Econorth Resorts Ventures, Inc. 100
ALI Triangle Hotel Ventures, Inc. 100
Circuit Makati Hotel Ventures, Inc. 100
Capitol Centre Hotel Ventures, Inc. 100
Arca South Hotel Ventures, Inc. 100
Sicogon Town Hotel, Inc. 100
Bay Area Hotel Ventures, Inc.**** 100
Makati North Hotel Ventures, Inc. (MNHVI)**** 100
One Makati Hotel Ventures, Inc. (OMHVI)**** 100
Sicogon Island Tourism Estate, Corp. 100

Property Management

Property Management
Ayala Property Management Corporation (APMC) 100
Prime Support Services, Inc. 100
Ayala Theatres Management, Inc. and Subsidiaries 100
DirectPower Services, Inc. (DirectPower) 100
Philippine Integrated Energy Solutions, Inc. (PhilEnergy) 100


Five Star Cinema, Inc. 100
Leisure and Allied Industries Philippines, Inc. (LAIP) 50


ALInet.com, Inc. (ALInet) 100
First Longfield Investments Limited (First Longfield) (Hongkong company) 100
Green Horizons Holdings Limited 100
Aprisa Business Process Solutions, Inc. (Aprisa) 100
AyalaLand Club Management, Inc. 100
ALI Capital Corp. (formerly Varejo Corp.) 100
Integrated Eco-resort Inc. 100
Airswift Transport, Inc.(formerly Island Transvoyager, Inc.)( Airswift) 100
Arca South Integrated Terminal, Inc. 100
Whiteknight Holdings, Inc. (WHI) 100
Ayalaland Medical Facilities Leasing Inc. (Ayala Land Healthcare Leasing Inc.) 100
Anvaya Cove Beach and Nature Club, Inc. (Anvaya Cove Beach)*** 73
Anvaya Cove Golf and Sports Club, Inc. (Anvaya Cove Golf)*** 76